Asha Jadeja Motwani
Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist
As one of Silicon Valley’s most highly respected venture capitalists, Asha Jadeja Motwani has
invested in over a 100 well known technology startups in the Valley such as Paypal, Mimosa,
AppDynamics, Meraki and Pinterest.
As founding stake holders in Google, Asha & her late husband Prof Rajeev Motwani played a
critical role in building & crafting the DNA of Google the startup. Asha continues to work closely
with Google Ventures and Google Foundation on various joint investments.
As an active philanthropist, Asha helped create MakerFaire Africa in 2009 and later launched
dozens of MakerFests in India with the objective of showcasing alternative means of learning
and earning through local problem solving.
Asha set up India’s most advanced Fablab at Cept University (her Alma mater), and placed key
engineers and architects from MIT and CEPT in it, to integrate Fablab into course curriculum.
The results have been spectacular.
Her long term vision is to